Consulting an Igqirha
Consulting an Igqirha
Traditional private consultation
Consulting an Igqirha
There is a big difference between consulting a doctor and an igqirha (pronounced I -GHI -GA . The q is a hard click produced by sucking the tongue off the palate. (The “G” is pronounced as in clearing the throat).
When consulting a doctor, a rural tribal person will sit quietly. The doctor complains that the tribal people will not tell them where it hurts or what their symptoms are. This is however the normal way to consult the igqirha. This is to test if he is the right person for you. He has to say where you hurt or what you dreamed last night. If he can do that he is in touch with your feelings and you can trust the other things he tells you about yourself that you are not conscious of. It proves that the healer can delve into both your conscious and unconscious. That is why he needs no certificates. It is every patient’s responsibility to test the healer individually, both for certainty and for individuality. Some Amaigqirha have access to some patients’ consciousness but not to others. If he cannot access you it does not mean he is a bad doctor, it just means he is not the doctor for you, irrespective of how well he has worked for others. Then you pick up your money and leave.
That is another thing. You put down your money right away. That way everyone knows what money is involved and there are no misunderstandings. Secondly, it means you want it to work. If you say you will pay later, then you trip yourself up if you do not want to pay. You say to yourself afterwards that it did not really help. If you prefer to keep your pain, then you feel justified that you do not have to pay him later. So do you want to get better or not? You have to take responsibility for your health. The igqirha is only a facilitator to help you see your follies. Are you going to accept his/her help? Camagu
Credits: Peter von Maltitz / Zanemvula (Elder, THP & copywrite)