Roots into The Eternal More

Sweet breeze, oh hello spring she’s sprung in all her glory

magical faeries have been so busy painting all the floral colours into each petal…awe-inspiring

The crows swoop around reminding me of

another layer of grief arising

The elementals share their stories too

Breathe…there’s a shortness of breath …release, relax

Observing the still of the morning air, feeling the breeze as the lavender sway

All this time I thought I was experiencing the wind,
turns out she loves to kiss me back

She’s moving me, reminding to inhale/exhale
…let it all go

How do you know? 

Fear is really courage, becoming known in our spiritual nature

A dance between shifting from freeze state into a form of sacred activism 

All the weeping willows bow their heads

each tear drop creating ripples, another sacred offering into the Sahara
Between the cracks the water flows effortlessly

Tears are joy, finally coming back hOMe within the heartspace

Outside all of this beyond & from within, I am blessed
Thank you for letting her move through me.

 How do you know?

Every word back into…no-thing is the empty state
leaving the thought field into the presence of God
Everything floating into the existence of awareness itself

Grace swoops in…. cleaning each room with her gentle broom
in rhythm with the heart, gently cleansing 7 floors,
softly dusting off the lotus petals

The trickling sound of water reminds me, my roots extend much further
Shrink down the tree, down to the roots, down into emptiness
We are the echo’s of those before us & all their stories sing in chorus
following back to our Eternal bloodline 

Dancing on this burning stage, our Mother is crying,
tears streaming as her lungs contract

Traveling into the Forest, for-rest
for you are children of the soil. Take care & nourish.


Time to form a band of brothers & sisters,
otherwise our strength remains uncovered

I see a light at the end of the tunnel….
WAIT the tunnel is an illusion

Every-thing is temporary!

Breathe…I see light through the cracks, expanding so brightly….

A gentle voice echo’s again…
re-mem-ber why you came, beloved child

one more full out breath, I breath in balance again

feeling the air travelling
across these bare bones
swimming in purple amethyst

I get up, stand & look up,
here’s your torch


Moving into no-thing which is every-thing

All outcomes is the Oneness of You
The Master Pointing


Bless the Roots

into The Eternal More




 And so it is.


Blessings upon Blessings
Gogo NomVuka