Reflections…the cost of a conscious Life

What a pivotal time it is for us to be alive…The Great Turning.

As humanity is in the process & overall of a real” world assessment.

There’s so much beauty here. I pray you see the rainbows, instead of a running algorythmical man.

We are in the birth-canal, birthing a new hue-man. It’s an archetypal path of ego-to-soul awakening. If we choose. It requires your focus & energy, from a carbon to crystalline light body.
Enveloped in motion by the substance of God & conscious Grace.

If we choose to take this deep dive & do the work to answer our evolutionary call there are some fundamental truths in preparation to deepen this terrain.

This preparation is a recalibration & Divine acceptance.
Heightened senses & an up-levelling of awareness.

It feels like an honest gentle nudge from the Mother eagle when it’s time for her babies to leave the nest. A Mother knows, so in her inntate timing she gently tips them out with her soft wings. Intuition is a pathway. Parents instinctively know, beyond explanation. It’s time to fly & soar like an eagle.

Our perception of reality begins to adjust & change… it’s all brand new.

So what is been asked of us right now to let go of, as we enter this new dawn? What’s no longer fits this old paradigm?
Like an old jersey that’s shrunk…time to let it go,
what we can no longer carry with us!

The Age of Aquarius is upon us. Be still, breathe, meditate on it.

What’s your number #1 priority in this very brief life here on planet earth?

There’s an urgency, like sand running through the hour glass. It’s time to get serious. The evolutionary call is here NOW!

Linear time is fake. Beloved ones…we are here now. The invitation is to pay an introspective visit within.
Finding the ever present pure essence.

Remember “the life jar” time management analogy of rock, pebbles & sand?

Consider your main rock. What does it represent?

What is your anchor point?

We all have dreams, aspirations & long bucket lists of things we still wish to do. There is simply not enough “time” to do it all. Let’s start by getting really honest…which starts with ourselves first.

What if this is your last chapter in life? What is your priority?

We are co-creators, manifesting and designing our reality. And yes, events do not happen to us; they happen through us.

A choreography, dance of your life. Lessons keep repeating,
until learnt & dealt with.
Those old buttons when pushed are no longer triggered. Ah, progress.

Marinate in the stillness & rest easy in the hands of God.

We are synchronising consciousness and emulating light.

Welcoming in the AHA experiences, as they arise…B a l a n c e.

These are acts of creation. All thought forms have profound consequences. The mind karma.
Pause as we are in the in-between, as you consciously work
through your system of thought.

In the beginning was the word…

Become the sacred witness of our Holy vocabulary.

The power of the word. It’s not what you put into your mouth it’s what comes out of your mouth.
A celestial understanding.

Your capacity to be truthful with yourself first & the relationship you cultivate with your inner self.
This is where we need the courage & resi
lence to manage with great discernment.

Reverence for the power that is your life – Caroline Myss”

As co-creative agents we are held accountable & in this
great play called life,
t shows up at your life review.
Do unto others... accountability, consequences for it all.

Nature of God, is God itself & we are moving in cycles to the Laws of Order. We are participants in nature of Divine organics. There is no system in nature, only relationships. Oneness with all things.
When you take a walk into nature, you feel free, it’s self evident.
It’s relational, all naturally takes care.

As we birth, we enter these Divine realms of becoming or more so re-mem-ber-ing our Higher vibrational essence.
This vulnerable transition we undergoing here, if we choose is gaining more inner real estate.

So yes there is Hope of a new consciousness for the enlightenment of a person who knows that there’s more…

Things are not as always as they seem, remain the observer.

The old delusional ways & systems of thought of who you think you are. Detach. Human rules & perceptions, competing for resources & restructuring. To be better than others, entitled, gotta be a certain way of life, this or that blah, blah, blah is de-constructing, very tired & old.

Go back, observe. Self evidence is everywhere, if we chose to open our eyes. There is light here not just darkness. There is purpose for you, even in betrayal. See the light in it. Syncroncity in the time it is needed. Intertwined in the beauty of endless love, if you allow the other side of the story. Cover the memories in love filled with compassion & grace.

Learn to bend your knee & ask with humility to guide the way.

Accepting our Divine reality & actively participating in this epic rapid turning.
Adaptability brings vulnerability.
Be here NOW in the unfolding of the Divine mystery.

We are becoming WHOLE, just like mother earth is adapting & rearranging
her organic template, so are we.

When more light comes in, there’s a transformational knowing. At the same time, It also attracts that degree of shadow.

Tell the TRUTH. Utilise your template & explore your own in-nate nature &
excavate all that’s not in harmony.
Go after your all fragments.

Inner saboteur requires a command of stop betraying yourself.
The invitation here is for a internal compassionate & forgiving dialogue.

Know Thy Self, trusting the Benevolence inside you. Welcome the crystalline octave.

Get into the sun & embody the lighthouse you already are.

Celebration of Light. Light is winning…slowly… Beautiful angels now appear.

It’s go time, get set…fly. Embrace your vibrational signature & awaken
the greatest version of your life.

This planet needs you. We are stronger together.

Your relationship to the Creator is a design.
Where you walk you create love, your soul carries all of it.
How elegant & intuitive in instruction.

As the Forget-me-nots prepare for bloom,
The Arc, Grail & Spear reset & align in harmony.

Rest easy in Benevolence & conscious renewal.

Long life & wisdom.

May all beings without exception be safe & live peacefully with ease.

Knowing love

 And so it is.

Blessings upon Blessings
Gogo NomVuka



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